




selenium:  Selenium 是一个用于 Web 应用程序测试的工具,Selenium 测试直接自动运行在浏览器中,就像真正的用户在手工操作一样。

    webdriver:   chromeDriver是谷歌为网站开发人员提供的自动化测试工具。




  • 下载chromedriver。chrome和chromedriver 要版本对应,chromedriver版本下载,放到相应目录。

  • 下载golang代码包。selenium的golang代码包

    go get -t -d github.com/tebeka/selenium
  • 注意点: 本人Win10,调用chrome报错。主要涉及3个点: 1.将chrome添加至环境变量path中,可以通过cmd直接运行chrome.exe确定是否运行成功;2.修改程序的权限,让执行账户获取所有权,避免权限提升 3.如果提示没有找到google-chrome时,拷贝一份chrome.exe重命名为google.chrome.exe。


4.1 selenium执行流程分析
经过我的理解和思考,我认为selenium 主要运行模式如下(个人理解,仅供参考)。


程序需要调用selenium库执行相应的函数, 后台调用chrome浏览器,然后将操作元素的请求给下方的浏览器驱动。浏览器驱动再转发这个请求给浏览器。最后将结果返回。
4.2 源码文件分析selenium-golangdoc



// 第一类 杂项

func DeleteSession(urlPrefix, id string) error

func SetDebug(debug bool)

func (c Capabilities) AddProxy(p Proxy)
func (c Capabilities) SetLogLevel(typ log.Type, level log.Level)

// 第二类 seleium后台服务

type ServiceOption func(*Service) error

func ChromeDriver(path string) ServiceOption

type Service struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewChromeDriverService(path string, port int, opts ...ServiceOption) (*Service, error)

func (s *Service) Stop() error

// 第三类 chrome操作相关

//caps := selenium.Capabilities{"browserName": "chrome"}
type Capabilities map[string]interface{}

func (c Capabilities) AddChrome(f chrome.Capabilities)

func NewRemote(capabilities Capabilities, urlPrefix string) (WebDriver, error)

type WebDriver interface {
    // Status returns various pieces of information about the server environment.
    Status() (*Status, error)

    // NewSession starts a new session and returns the session ID.
    NewSession() (string, error)

    // SessionId returns the current session ID
    // Deprecated: This identifier is not Go-style correct. Use SessionID
    // instead.
    SessionId() string

    // SessionID returns the current session ID.
    SessionID() string

    // SwitchSession switches to the given session ID.
    SwitchSession(sessionID string) error

    // Capabilities returns the current session's capabilities.
    Capabilities() (Capabilities, error)

    // SetAsyncScriptTimeout sets the amount of time that asynchronous scripts
    // are permitted to run before they are aborted. The timeout will be rounded
    // to nearest millisecond.
    SetAsyncScriptTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

    //设置等待搜索元素的时间,目的: 如果页面结果返回较慢,就需要等待页面内容完整返回,然后再进行页面元素操作。
    // SetImplicitWaitTimeout sets the amount of time the driver should wait when
    // searching for elements. The timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
    SetImplicitWaitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

    // SetPageLoadTimeout sets the amount of time the driver should wait when
    // loading a page. The timeout will be rounded to nearest millisecond.
    SetPageLoadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error

    // Quit ends the current session. The browser instance will be closed.
    Quit() error

    // CurrentWindowHandle returns the ID of current window handle.
    CurrentWindowHandle() (string, error)

    // WindowHandles returns the IDs of current open windows.
    WindowHandles() ([]string, error)

    // CurrentURL returns the browser's current URL.
    CurrentURL() (string, error)

    // Title returns the current page's title.
    Title() (string, error)

    // PageSource returns the current page's source.
    PageSource() (string, error)

    // Close closes the current window.
    Close() error

    // SwitchFrame switches to the given frame. The frame parameter can be the
    // frame's ID as a string, its WebElement instance as returned by
    // GetElement, or nil to switch to the current top-level browsing context.
    SwitchFrame(frame interface{}) error

    // SwitchWindow switches the context to the specified window.
    SwitchWindow(name string) error

    // CloseWindow closes the specified window.
    CloseWindow(name string) error

    // MaximizeWindow maximizes a window. If the name is empty, the current
    // window will be maximized.
    MaximizeWindow(name string) error

    // ResizeWindow changes the dimensions of a window. If the name is empty, the
    // current window will be maximized.
    ResizeWindow(name string, width, height int) error

    // Get navigates the browser to the provided URL.
    Get(url string) error

    // Forward moves forward in history.
    Forward() error

    // Back moves backward in history.
    Back() error

    // Refresh refreshes the page.
    Refresh() error

    // FindElement finds exactly one element in the current page's DOM.
    FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)

    // FindElement finds potentially many elements in the current page's DOM.
    FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)

    // ActiveElement returns the currently active element on the page.
    ActiveElement() (WebElement, error)

    // DecodeElement decodes a single element response.
    DecodeElement([]byte) (WebElement, error)

    // DecodeElements decodes a multi-element response.
    DecodeElements([]byte) ([]WebElement, error)

    // GetCookies returns all of the cookies in the browser's jar.
    GetCookies() ([]Cookie, error)

    // GetCookie returns the named cookie in the jar, if present. This method is
    // only implemented for Firefox.
    GetCookie(name string) (Cookie, error)

    // AddCookie adds a cookie to the browser's jar.
    AddCookie(cookie *Cookie) error

    // DeleteAllCookies deletes all of the cookies in the browser's jar.    
    DeleteAllCookies() error

    // DeleteCookie deletes a cookie to the browser's jar.
    DeleteCookie(name string) error

    // Click clicks a mouse button. The button should be one of RightButton,
    // MiddleButton or LeftButton.
    Click(button int) error

    // DoubleClick clicks the left mouse button twice.
    DoubleClick() error

    // ButtonDown causes the left mouse button to be held down.
    ButtonDown() error

    // ButtonUp causes the left mouse button to be released.
    ButtonUp() error

    // SendModifier sends the modifier key to the active element. The modifier
    // can be one of ShiftKey, ControlKey, AltKey, MetaKey.
    // Deprecated: Use KeyDown or KeyUp instead.
    SendModifier(modifier string, isDown bool) error

    // KeyDown sends a sequence of keystrokes to the active element. This method
    // is similar to SendKeys but without the implicit termination. Modifiers are
    // not released at the end of each call.
    KeyDown(keys string) error

    // KeyUp indicates that a previous keystroke sent by KeyDown should be
    // release
    KeyUp(keys string) error

    // Screenshot takes a screenshot of the browser window.
    Screenshot() ([]byte, error)

    // Log fetches the logs. Log types must be previously configured in the
    // capabilities.
    // NOTE: will return an error (not implemented) on IE11 or Edge drivers.
    Log(typ log.Type) ([]log.Message, error)

    // DismissAlert dismisses current alert.
    DismissAlert() error

    // AcceptAlert accepts the current alert.
    AcceptAlert() error

    // AlertText returns the current alert text.
    AlertText() (string, error)

    // SetAlertText sets the current alert text.
    SetAlertText(text string) error

    // ExecuteScript executes a script.
    ExecuteScript(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

    // ExecuteScriptAsync asynchronously executes a script.
    ExecuteScriptAsync(script string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, error)

    // ExecuteScriptRaw executes a script but does not perform JSON decoding.
    ExecuteScriptRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

    // ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw asynchronously executes a script but does not
    // perform JSON decoding.
    ExecuteScriptAsyncRaw(script string, args []interface{}) ([]byte, error)

    // WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval waits for the condition to evaluate to true.
    WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval(condition Condition, timeout, interval time.Duration) error

    // WaitWithTimeout works like WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval, but with default polling interval.
    WaitWithTimeout(condition Condition, timeout time.Duration) error

    //Wait works like WaitWithTimeoutAndInterval, but using the default timeout and polling interval.
    Wait(condition Condition) error

type WebElement interface {
    // click选中的元素
    // Click clicks on the element.
    Click() error

    // SendKeys types into the element.
    SendKeys(keys string) error

    // Submit submits the button.
    Submit() error

    // Clear clears the element.
    Clear() error

    // MoveTo moves the mouse to relative coordinates from center of element, If
    // the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view.
    MoveTo(xOffset, yOffset int) error

    // 查找子元素
    // FindElement finds a child element.
    FindElement(by, value string) (WebElement, error)

    // FindElement finds multiple children elements.
    FindElements(by, value string) ([]WebElement, error)

    // TagName returns the element's name.
    TagName() (string, error)

    // Text returns the text of the element.
    Text() (string, error)

    // IsSelected returns true if element is selected.
    IsSelected() (bool, error)

    // IsEnabled returns true if the element is enabled.
    IsEnabled() (bool, error)

    // IsDisplayed returns true if the element is displayed.
    IsDisplayed() (bool, error)
    // GetAttribute returns the named attribute of the element.
    GetAttribute(name string) (string, error)

    // Location returns the element's location.
    Location() (*Point, error)

    // LocationInView returns the element's location once it has been scrolled
    // into view.
    LocationInView() (*Point, error)

    // Size returns the element's size.
    Size() (*Size, error)

    // CSSProperty returns the value of the specified CSS property of the
    // element.
    CSSProperty(name string) (string, error)

    // Screenshot takes a screenshot of the attribute scroll'ing if necessary.
    Screenshot(scroll bool) ([]byte, error)
4.3 说明


操作之前,先分享一个快速获取CSS Selector和xpath的方法。

    大家用chrome浏览器访问网页,按F12后,点击调试页左上角Elements箭头,然后鼠标移动到目的位置,即可显示页面对应的HTML 元素。

    右键选中的元素,选择copy,此时可以根据直接选择ID,CLASS,CSS Selector或Xpath的地址.



  • 打开百度,自动搜索。

    package main
    import (
    const (
        //设置常量 分别设置chromedriver.exe的地址和本地调用端口
        seleniumPath = `H:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe`
        port         = 9515
    func main() {
        ops := []selenium.ServiceOption{}
        service, err := selenium.NewChromeDriverService(seleniumPath, port, ops...)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error starting the ChromeDriver server: %v", err)
        defer service.Stop()
        caps := selenium.Capabilities{
            "browserName": "chrome",
        //调用浏览器urlPrefix: 测试参考:DefaultURLPrefix = ""
        wd, err := selenium.NewRemote(caps, "")
        if err != nil {
        defer wd.Quit()
        if err := wd.Get("https://www.baidu.com/"); err != nil {
        we, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByID, "kw")
        if err != nil {
        err = we.SendKeys("天下第一")
        if err != nil {
        we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByID, "su")
        if err != nil {
        err = we.Click()
        if err != nil {
        time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
  • 内嵌iframe切换。

    package main
    import (
    const (
        //设置常量 分别设置chromedriver.exe的地址和本地调用端口
        seleniumPath = `H:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe`
        port         = 9515
    func main() {
        ops := []selenium.ServiceOption{}
        service, err := selenium.NewChromeDriverService(seleniumPath, port, ops...)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error starting the ChromeDriver server: %v", err)
        defer service.Stop()
        caps := selenium.Capabilities{
            "browserName": "chrome",
        //调用浏览器urlPrefix: 测试参考:DefaultURLPrefix = ""
        wd, err := selenium.NewRemote(caps, "")
        if err != nil {
        defer wd.Quit()
        if err := wd.Get("http://cdn1.python3.vip/files/selenium/sample2.html"); err != nil {
        //4.1 通过frame的id查找 此时id=frame1
            err = wd.SwitchFrame("frame1")
            if err != nil {
            // 此时定位到iframe的html中,再像使用bycssselector即可
            // 因为animal包含多个对象,我们使用findelements
            wes, err := wd.FindElements(selenium.ByCSSSelector, ".animal")
            if err != nil {
            for _,we := range  wes {
                text, err := we.Text()
                if err != nil {
        //4.2 frame获取的webelement,通过切换webelement实现。
        // 找到ifname的webelement对象
        element, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, "#frame1")
        // 不同的获取element方式
        //element, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `iframe[name="innerFrame"]`)
        if err != nil {
        err = wd.SwitchFrame(element)
        if err != nil {
        // 此时定位到iframe的html中,再像使用bycssselector即可
        // 因为animal包含多个对象,我们使用findelements
        wes, err := wd.FindElements(selenium.ByCSSSelector, ".animal")
        if err != nil {
        for _, we := range wes {
            text, err := we.Text()
            if err != nil {
        err = wd.SwitchFrame(nil)
        if err != nil {
        //根据class name选择元素
        we, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, ".baiyueheiyu")
        if err != nil {
        time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
  • 多windows切换。

    package main
    import (
    const (
        //设置常量 分别设置chromedriver.exe的地址和本地调用端口
        seleniumPath = `H:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe`
        port         = 9515
    func main() {
        ops := []selenium.ServiceOption{}
        service, err := selenium.NewChromeDriverService(seleniumPath, port, ops...)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error starting the ChromeDriver server: %v", err)
        defer service.Stop()
        caps := selenium.Capabilities{
            "browserName": "chrome",
        //调用浏览器urlPrefix: 测试参考:DefaultURLPrefix = ""
        wd, err := selenium.NewRemote(caps, "")
        if err != nil {
        defer wd.Quit()
        if err := wd.Get("http://cdn1.python3.vip/files/selenium/sample3.html"); err != nil {
        we, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByTagName, "a")
        if err != nil {
        wd.ExecuteScript(`window.open("https://www.qq.com", "_blank");`, nil)
        wd.ExecuteScript(`window.open("https://www.runoob.com/jsref/obj-window.html", "_blank");`, nil)
        wd.ExecuteScript(`window.alert(location.href);`, nil)
        handle, err := wd.CurrentWindowHandle()
        if err != nil {
        handles, err := wd.WindowHandles()
        if err != nil {
        for _, handle := range handles {
        //mainhandle := handle
        handles, err = wd.WindowHandles()
        if err != nil {
        for _, handle := range handles {
            url, _ := wd.CurrentURL()
            if strings.Contains(url, "qq.com") {
        handle, err = wd.CurrentWindowHandle()
        if err != nil {
        wd.ExecuteScript(`window.alert(location.href);`, nil)
        time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)
  • 单选,多选框操作。

    ``` package main

    import (



    const (

    //设置常量 分别设置chromedriver.exe的地址和本地调用端口
    seleniumPath = `H:\webdriver\chromedriver.exe`
    port         = 9515


    func main() {

    ops := []selenium.ServiceOption{}
    service, err := selenium.NewChromeDriverService(seleniumPath, port, ops...)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error starting the ChromeDriver server: %v", err)
    defer service.Stop()
    caps := selenium.Capabilities{
        "browserName": "chrome",
    //调用浏览器urlPrefix: 测试参考:DefaultURLPrefix = ""
    wd, err := selenium.NewRemote(caps, "")
    if err != nil {
    defer wd.Quit()
// 3单选radio,多选checkbox,select框操作(功能待完善,https://github.com/tebeka/selenium/issues/141)
    if err := wd.Get("http://cdn1.python3.vip/files/selenium/test2.html"); err != nil {
    we, err := wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#s_radio > input[type=radio]:nth-child(3)`)
    if err != nil {

    we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#s_checkbox > input[type=checkbox]:nth-child(5)`)
    if err != nil {
    we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#s_checkbox > input[type=checkbox]:nth-child(1)`)
    if err != nil {
    we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#s_checkbox > input[type=checkbox]:nth-child(3)`)
    if err != nil {

    //3.3 select多选

    we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#ss_multi > option:nth-child(3)`)
    if err != nil {

    we, err = wd.FindElement(selenium.ByCSSSelector, `#ss_multi > option:nth-child(2)`)
    if err != nil {

    time.Sleep(20 * time.Second)









golang driver使用记录
